Continuing with the healthy pregnancy guide, I will address medications and supplements for those getting ready for pregnancy.
Medications and Supplements
It is crucial to inform your care provider about any medications, herbs, or supplements you are currently taking when planning to conceive. Your healthcare provider may recommend adjusting doses or discontinuing certain medications before you start trying to conceive.
One essential step to take during this preconception period is to begin taking prenatal vitamins. Many experts advise starting prenatal vitamins early in the process. Why is it necessary to start so early? The reason lies in the development of the baby's neural tube, which eventually forms the brain and spinal cord. This development occurs during the first month of pregnancy, sometimes even before a woman realizes she is pregnant. By taking prenatal vitamins before conception, you can significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, and other brain or spinal cord abnormalities.
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Ref: Mayo Clinic,Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.
Source : best baby story
(Opp. Ambattur OT & Opp. BP petrol bunk)
