In continuation of guide to the healthy pregnancy. I will discuss , how do you prepare yourself to become pregnant ?

So you think you want to be a parent — at least sometime in the near future.
How exciting! Having a child is a wonderful experience that will enrich
your life forever. But the decision to have a child shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Parenthood is a lot of work, and the best way to approach it is by preparing
yourself so that you’re as ready as possible for this big change.
Thinking ahead can give you and your baby the best possible beginning.
If you’re reading this book and are still in the planning stages before
becoming pregnant, you’re giving yourself a head start on the exhilarating,
sometimes a bewildering path toward parenthood. Taking steps to be healthy
and being informed now can help set you up to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.
This introductory chapter includes some key concepts and actions to take
that can help make your transition to pregnancy as smooth as possible. If
you already know you’re pregnant, congratulations!
When your friends with children tell you to say goodbye to lazy weekends
and impromptu nights out, and hello to nighttime feedings and loads of
baby laundry, they’re not kidding. Having a baby is life-changing. In most
ways it’s wonderful, but life will never be the same. Although there’s
probably never a perfect time to have a baby, some phases of your life may
be more conducive to pregnancy and new parenthood than others.
Questions to ask
Here are some questions you might ask yourself in
determining whether the time is right:
Why do I want to have a baby?
Does my partner feel the same way I do? Do we share the same ideas
about how to raise a child? If not, have we discussed our differences?
How will having a baby affect my current and future lifestyles or
career? Am I ready and willing to make those changes?
Is there a lot of stress in my life right now that could interfere with my
ability to care for myself and enjoy my pregnancy? What about for my
partner? Is stress an issue?
Emotionally, are we ready to take on parenthood?
Financially, can we afford to raise a child? If I’m single, do I have the
necessary resources to care for a child by myself?
Does my health insurance plan cover maternity and newborn care?
If I decide to return to work, do I have access to good child care?
If you haven’t thought about any of these issues so far, it doesn’t mean
you’ll have an unhealthy pregnancy or be unable to care for a child. But the
the sooner you set the stage for a successful outcome, the better your odds.
That’s true whether you’re still in the planning stages, are trying to conceive
or already have a baby on the way
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Ref: Mayo Clinic,Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.
(Opp. Ambattur OT & Opp. BP petrol bunk)
